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Što kada dijete s neurološkim poremećajima razvije psihijatrijske simptome? – prikaz slučaja školskog neuspjeha






Strah od zubne ordinacije kao limitirajući faktor u pružanju zdravstvene zaštite usta i zubi



An Augmented Reality System Validation for the Treatment of Cockroach Phobia






Factors Associated with Steroid Phobia in Caregivers of Children with Atopic Dermatitis







Fear of Anxiety in Fearful Adults: An Analysisof Heterogeneity Among Phobia Types







Nausea in Specific Phobia of Vomiting






Neuroimaging in specific phobia disorder a systematic review of the literature






Phobias of Attachment-Related Inner States in the Psychotherapy of Adult Survivors of Childhood Complex Trauma






Pediatric chronic daily headache associated with school phobia







Prevalence and factors associated with phobias among women






Rosie’s Recovery: Case Study of a Crippling Phobia






Specific phobia among u.s. adolescents: phenomenology and typology






The Place of Hypnosis in Psychiatry Part 5: Trea tment of Spec ific Phobias—Animal and Situational Subtypes







The role of disgust propensity in blood-injection-injuryphobia: Comparisons between Asian Americans andCaucasian Americans


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